Harm Reduction and Eco-defense in Appalachia

Harm Reduction and Eco-defense in Appalachia

Episode description

First up, Ian chats with Tasha of Project Mayday, a harm reduction project operating in so-called West Virginia. They discuss harm reduction strategies and the political framework of their approach to mutual aid. The conversation also touches upon co-existing in the public health and non-profit space without compromising their radical values and some of the many ways that drug policy and pharmaceutical marketing affect people who use drugs. Listeners can contact Project Mayday at the links below and should watch those spaces for news about the benefit show coming up on April 28th.

Then, I spoke with Toby from Appalachians Against Pipelines and Madeline Ffitch, an activist recently arrested for locking down to a drill threatening to move the Mountain Valley Pipeline through Peters Mountain at Jefferson National Forest. We talked about the recent days of solidarity, direct actions against the MVP, repression of activists and related topics.

  • Transcript
  • PDF (Unimposed) - pending
  • Zine (Imposed PDF) - pending

Project Mayday Links:

Appalachians Against Pipelines links

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Featured Track:

  • We Roll (instrumental) by Pete Rock from We Roll
No transcript available for this episode.